Welcome to your new Community website.
Quick FAQ's
Who do I call if there is an emergency?
Emergency that causes damage to the community such as SMOKE, FIRE or WATER MAIN BREAK contact 911 first. Contact York Properties, Inc. After-Hours emergency Services at (919) 821-1350 and select option 1 for the Maintenance Department. Leave your name, the name of your association, the street address, your telephone number and the nature of the emergency.
Note: Inconveniences are not considered emergencies, such as illegally parked cars, rule violations, questions about accounts, ARC Requests. These type of situations are better handled by the association manager during normal business hours.
What are the CC&R's?
The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions are the governing legal documents that setup the guidance for the operation of the planned community as non-profit corporation.
How can I report a street light outage?
Street light outages should be reported to Duke Energy Progress since they maintain the lights.
When does trash and recycling get picked up?
If you reside in Raleigh you can view your service day on the City of Raleigh's website by clicking here. If you reside in Cary you can view your service day on the Town of Cary's website by clicking here. If you reside in Durham you can view your service day on the City of Durham's website by clicking here
How can I make a recommendation?
Please see the Contact Us screen.
Where would I mail an assessment payment or send bill-payments from my bank?
The Massey Condominium Owners Association, Inc.
c/o York Properties, Inc.
PO Box 97545
Raleigh, NC 27624-754
*Please include your account number in the memo line
*By registering for this website, you agree that the email provided is the official email for all association communications.
C/O York Properties, Inc.
2108 Clark Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27605
Phone : (919) 863-8082
Email : payneeller@yorkproperties.com
Managed by York Properties, Inc.